11th term of the Croatian Parliament (16 May 2024)

Andro Krstulović Opara (HDZ)

Krstulović Opara, Andro

Born on 22 May 1967 in Split. Graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb –  Master of Art History and Archaeology.

Foreign Affairs Committee
Secretary: Ms. Renata Škalabrin
Phone: +385 1 6303 342; +385 1 4569 599
Fax: +385 1 4569 311; +385 1 6303 846
e-mail: ovpsab@sabor.hr; renata.skalabrin@sabor.hr 

Begin of parliamentary mandate:

16 May 2024

Party affiliation:

Parliamentary functions:

Parliamentary Friendship Groups membership:

Elected from the list of the:

  • Croatian Democratic Union, Croatian Social Liberal Party, Croatian Demochristian Party, Croatian People's Party – Liberal Democrats and Croatian Party of Pensioners
