9th term of the Croatian Parliament (14 October 2016 - 22 July 2020)

Mirando Mrsić (Demokrati)

Mrsić, Mirando

Born on 14 October 1959 in Split. Graduated from Zagreb Faculty of Medicine. Doctor of Medicine. 

Begin of parliamentary mandate:

End of parliamentary mandate:

Changes during parliamentary mandate:

on 27 November 2018 the MP ceased to be Independent Member of the Parliament and commenced performing MP duties as member of the Party Democrats
on 24 March 2018 the MP ceased to be the member of Social Democratic Party of Croatia and commenced performing MP duties as Independent Member of the Parliament

Party affiliation:

Parliamentary functions:

Previous parliamentary functions:

Elected from the list of the:

  • Social Democratic Party of Croatia, Croatian People's Party – Liberal Democrats, Croatian Peasant Party and Croatian Party of Pensioners
