Privacy policy

Using the website of the Croatian Parliament (hereinafter: the Parliament) implies that users are at all times familiar with this Privacy Policy fully understanding and accepting it.

Content of the privacy policy

The Parliament will treat your personal data pursuant to the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (GDPR) and the Act on the Implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (Official Gazette “Narodne novine” No 42/18) with the application of appropriate technical and data security measures against unauthorized access, misuse, detection, loss or destruction.

The Parliament protects the privacy of its users and website browsers granting access and disclosure of personal data only to those employees, whom this information is necessary for maintaining of functioning of the Parliament, and to third parties only in cases obligated by mandatory law.
The e-mail address and other information will not be disclosed to third parties, natural persons or legal entities.

The Parliament will not send spam. The Parliament cannot be held responsible for any accidental error or error occurred due to force majeure or other objective circumstances causing accidental violation of the guaranteed protection of your personal data but guarantees to remove the error within a reasonable time.

The Parliament does not warrant or take any liability for damages that may occur to the computer   resulting from the downloading of the aforesaid contents.

Information Confidentiality

When visiting the Parliament's web site, personal user information remains confidential. The Parliament will not disclose the information it has received to other parties, except in the cases specified in the previous chapter. When users send us an e-mail with personal information identifying them, either via email with a request or comment, or a form that you email us, the data is solely used to meet customer requirements.

Data Control

Users can at any time request a revision of their personal information. At their request, this information may be updated, corrected, deleted, or terminated in the future if they send us an inquiry to the Data Protection Officer's e-mail address: This does not apply to information published in the case of candidacy for public office.


The Parliament shall take all necessary steps to ensure that redirecting from the Parliamentary Web Sites to another links does not contain illegal and / or harmful content. However, sites and addresses online are changing quickly and Parliament cannot guarantee the content of any address you are targeting.

Terms and Conditions

The Parliament reserves the right to modify or terminate all or any part of this Site as well as any Conditions of Use at any time. Changes come into effect by posting at this address.

Collection and Procession of Personal Data

All personal data collected is treated in full compliance with the current legal data protection act.  In order to make this site more enjoyable, functional and convenient, this site saves a certain amount of information on your computer, so-called "cookies". Please familiarise yourself with the use of "cookies".


The Parliament’s website uses cookies. Cookies are a small piece of data sent from a website and stored on the user's computer while the user is browsing. These tools can collect and store technical information such as cookies, user’s and / or browser’s IP addresses, mobile device identifiers, browser data, and the like, but do not identify the person. The stored cookies are used for analytical and statistical purposes, and for the functionality of all Internet features and better user experience. These cookies can be permanent cookies that are stored on a user's computer after browsing and temporary cookies that are stored only during a browsing to the page. Depending on the user's Internet browser settings, cookies can be automatically accepted. If the user does not agree to their use, the cookies can be deleted and / or permanently disabled at any time on a computer or mobile device using browser settings. For more information on how to manage cookies, visit the browser pages you are using. Please note that the purpose of the cookies is to improve and enable the use of the Parliament’s website, and clearing or deleting cookies may prevent the functioning of the Parliament Web site's features or cause a different performance and appearance of your browser. For the purpose of collecting website access data, the Parliament uses Google Analytics. The website of the Parliament is intended to facilitate public access to information on the work of the Parliament. Our goal is to make this information as complete, accurate and up-to-date as possible. If the user notifies us of the errors via email, we will take all the necessary steps to fix them as soon as possible.

How do we use cookies?

The user may block the use of some or all of the cookies we use on our website, but this may affect its functionality. Selecting the settings, the user can select or reset the cookie settings at any time. You can also accept or disable some or all cookies by customizing your browser settings. The following links provide information on how to change settings for some of the most commonly used web browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Apple Safari, and Opera. Some browsers allow you to browse Internet content in incognito mode, limiting the amount of data set on the user’s computer, and to automatically delete permanent cookies placed on the user’s device once you finish browsing the site. There are many third-party apps that a user can add to the browser to block or manage cookies. Additionally, the user can also delete the cookies that were previously placed on their browser by selecting the option to clear the browsing history and then choose to delete cookies. More detailed information about cookies and browser settings can be found on